In designing the site our objective was to be environmentally friendly whilst ensuring the best quality service and results to our customers. We believe we have achieved our objective through the three main areas noted below.
We catch and store our own rainwater! Due to the size of our catchments and storage tanks we are able to wash about 35,000* cars per annum without using drinking water or recycled water. The rainwater is purified through a number of filters to provide you with the best quality “Soft water” which is also environmentally friendly.
We realise that even our own rainwater is precious and therefore we have water jets that significantly reduce water consumption and provide effective water pressure.
Why is this better?
Soft Water is the best water to use for washing as it doesn’t contain metal ions found in tap water (hard water). So its not just environmentally friendly it also ensures the safest and best result when washing your car.
Some other car washes may use recycled water – but we were not happy to use recycled water as we don’t believe its the best water to wash cars with.
* Based on our catchments, storage tanks and annual average rainfall in the northern beaches.
The café has been built using solar comfort windows which significantly reduces energy required to either cool or heat the building.
We have installed insulation in the roof lining inside, in the wash bay and detail shop to further reduce energy consumption.
Sky lights have been installed in the vacuum area, detail shop and wash area and energy efficient light globes have been installed were possible to further reduce energy consumption.
The used water through the carwash and detailing shop which runs through to our water and oil separator located on site. The separated oil is stored in our tanks and regularly collected by oil recyclers. This oil is then cleaned of contaminants so it can be recycled. This recycled used oil can be used for hydraulic oil, bitumen based products, industrial burner oil, or as a lubricant for manufacturing products. This process ensures the waterways are not polluted.
The use of glass and aluminium for the structure of the café assists in future sustainability as both products can be recycled indefinitely without loss of quality of performance.